Oklahoma Web Design: Oklahoma Media Group - Web design and search engine optimization group

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What is a Facebook Fan Worth To Your Business? Try $136.38.

facebook means moneyYou can't afford to ignore Social Media a minute longer. You are missing out! Get your feet wet in one of our classes (just for beginners!), or let us create a social media presence spanning Twitter, Facebook and YouTube that will change the way you reach new customers. Social Media doesn't replace customer service. It doesn't eliminate handshakes or conversations over coffee. But there is a new playing field. Let OMG help you suit up.

We build Websites that Sell, Inform, Educate and Motivate.

And it's Simple and EASY. We have the skills, resources and experience to custom build whatever you can dream up.(We love making dreams come true!)

Featured Projects
CARA Mississippi

CARA Mississippi Community Animal Rescue and Adoption of Jackson, Mississippi is the state's largest no-kill animal ...

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BOE Marine

BOE Marine BOE Marine is the third-largest marine electronics retailer in the United States, selling more ...

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Festival of the Arts Mobile Site

Festival of the Arts Mobile Site The Arts Council of Oklahoma City produces the Festival of the Arts in Downtown ...

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OFCA Piece Walk

OFCA Piece Walk OMG created the website design and facilitated the application development for this fundraising event ...

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Emily Garman at IgniteOKC 3

Emily Garman at IgniteOKC 3

OMG’s own Emily Garman was thrilled to speak recently at Oklahoma City’s third IgniteOKC event. Ignite is a community-driven networking event that connects people of diverse backgrounds and knowledge through a series of entertaining, rapidfire presentations. Presenters get 5 minutes and 20 slides that keep advancing – no matter what. It’s an exciting way to […]